Post 2: The best holidays ever

Hi all of you! today Im going to tell you about the best trip i've ever had. This summer I traveled to Torres del paine in the region of Magallanes to do the O circuit around the park and it was an unforgettable expirience. I did this adventure with my that and my two brothers and we took around ten days from the departure of Santiago. We practically walked half of the day trought incredible landscapes from one campsite to the next, where we would stay for the night. When we arrived to the campsite we ate dinner, showered and shared with people from all over the world. Later we drank some things in the bar and we were going to bed to be ready the next day am. It was the best trip Ive ever had because of the impressive places I got to know and the incredible variety of landscapes present in the park. It was impossible to get bored of the view and walking and walking did not become tedious at all. Thanks for reading about my adventure, bye!