Post 6: English Language Challenges

My experience with university English has not been the best because I think I have not been responsible enough to take advantage of these instances but I think that the material provided by the teachers in the university platform is very good to improve the level of English. 

Doing weekly blogs and reading those of my classmates I think is what has contributed the most to my learning of English in the course since it has allowed me to put into practice what I am learning class by class and has forced me to write in this language.

I think there are three aspects in which I need to improve my English, in the use of grammar, expand my vocabulary to be able to speak more fluently and improve my listening skills. For the first I think it would be very helpful to review the material uploaded to this course on the use of verbs, for the second I intend to start reading books and papers in English and for the last I want to start watching movies in this language without subtitles to refine my hearing. 

Outside of university classes I have used English very little. I have confronted it by watching movies with subtitles and through the English music I listen to every day. On the other hand, I set my cell phone in English to force myself to confront this language and thus improve my level through its daily use. 

Thank you all for reading me again, I hope you have a nice week! :)


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